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Member Since 26 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2016 06:43 PM

Topics I've Started

NextGrid 5.4 - word wrap in HTML columns

11 May 2011 - 05:27 PM

Boki, would it be possible to make wordwrap optional and disabled by default to have the same optical behavior as in previous versions?

Now, longer text in HTML columns is simply wrapped where it should be displayed to the right border of a cell without wrapping. The new forced wordwrap doesn't look well in such a case.

Scrollbar not always displayed in latest version 5.3.2011.1

30 April 2011 - 06:28 PM

In the latest version 5.3.2011.1 the scrollbar in TNextGrid is not always displayed. This happens to the vertical scrollbar, not sure if the horizontal scrollbar is also affected.

I saw that you changed various things in the scrollbar code, but I don't know what exactly causes this problem. I reverted back to version for now and everything is working well again.

Beside the bug I described at http://www.bergsoft....?showtopic=3774 this is the only bug I discovered.

Bug in version 5.3.2011.1

06 April 2011 - 06:07 PM


in TNxIndent and TNxMargins you changed the default values for Left, Top etc. to 0.

You should also change these values in the constructors, otherwise they are initialized with wrong values when you use the default values 0. The constructor still contains the values from the previous version (9/5/8/4 or so).

Handle leaks

22 November 2010 - 02:16 PM


At the moment I run intensive memory tests here and found two handle leaks in your code.

1. "procedure TNxCustomGridControl.RedrawBorder" seems to have a handle leak.

The following code fixes this leak:

procedure TNxCustomGridControl.RedrawBorder;
      DrawThemeBackground(Theme, DC, 1, 0, R, @R);
      ReleaseDC(Handle, DC);
      CloseThemeData(Theme); // <------------ added
    end else BorderWidth := 0;

2. Another thing I have observed is that "procedure TNxCustomGridControl.CreateWnd;" is called twice in certain TForms here. I could fix this leak by changing this method as follows:

procedure TNxCustomGridControl.CreateWnd;
  if IsThemed then
    if FTheme = 0 then  // <------------ added
    begin // <------------ added
      FTheme := OpenThemeData(Handle, teHeader);
      FDefaultStyleDisplay.Theme := FTheme;
    end; // <------------ added

D2009 Package files broken in v5.9.10.1

11 September 2010 - 11:18 AM

Boki, the D2009 Package seems to be broken somehow in the latest version

* The "Next Editors" component palette no longer shows icons

* The file "NxCommonDsgn_d2009.dproj" contains wired stuff, for example:

            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun_d200.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun_d20.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun_d2.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun_d.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun_.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRun.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonRu.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommonR.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommon.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCommo.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxComm.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCom.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxCo.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="NxC.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="Nx.dcp"/>
            <DCCReference Include="N.dcp"/>

A compare shows that the D2009 package files were changed in the latest version.

Is it safe to use the D2009 Package files from the previous version which work without any problems?