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Member Since 03 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2018 09:55 AM

Topics I've Started

Display disabled checkbox in cell ?

26 March 2018 - 09:24 PM



Is it possible to draw a checkbox in disabled state when a cell in a NxCheckBoxColumn is disabled ?



Multiselect and scrolling

26 March 2018 - 08:48 PM

Hi Boki,


After a looooong time without programming, I'm back for some personal project with Delphi. And NextGrid :-)


So I'm trying to setup a NextGrid component on my form but I'm having a couple problems:

- First one (NextGrid used as a ReportGridView), if I set "MultiSelect" to True and run my project, as soon as I multi-select using the "Shift" key, I can't scroll the component anymore: it won't respond to mousewheel or mouse click on the scrollbar or keyboard up/down/page-up/page-down/home/end.

- Second, not a bug but a question/request: is it possible to change the scroll speed/increment ? For now the grid scrolls one item at a time when using the mouse wheel, I'd like to make it scroll more with the mouse.




PS: oh, and a small glitch I corrected in the source code, concerning the display of hints on column headers (currently the hint will show underneath the mouse cursor)... In NxGridView6:

procedure TNxGridView6.DoHeaderHintDelayTimer(Sender: TObject);
  Shift, PosX: Integer;
  CursorPos: TPoint;
  HintRect: TRect;
  { Stop & Destroy }

  if Assigned(HoverHeader) and
    not (FHoverHeader = FPressedHeader) then
    { Create Hint Window }
    FHeaderHint := HintWindowClass.Create(nil);
    FHeaderHint.Color := clInfoBk;

    { Set Position & Activate }

    { Calculate Rect }
    HintRect := FHeaderHint.CalcHintRect(Screen.Width, HoverHeader.Header.Hint, nil);


    OffsetPoint(CursorPos, 16, 16);

    { Cordinates must be "Screen" }
    HintRect.TopLeft := CursorPos;

    HintRect.Bottom := HintRect.Top + HintRect.Bottom;
    HintRect.Right := HintRect.Left + HintRect.Right;

    { Show Hint }
    FHeaderHint.ActivateHint(HintRect, HoverHeader.Header.Hint);