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NxAutocompletion with NextGrid

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#1 AlexMex

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Posted 09 December 2015 - 11:09 PM

Hello Boki,


I have an application with at least 30 NextGrids. In those grids I use TNxTextColumn, TNxComboboxColumn and TNxListColumn for capturing text information. Some of the list have more than 200 or 300 items. It makes it very tedious for users to find an item. I got a look on a efficient way to do autocompletion and I found on stackeoverflow a very efficient impletation of autocompletion (http://stackoverflow...omplete-support) I try it on a combobox and it works like a charm. Unfortunately I am not able to modify the nextgrid to use this. I have seen on the documentation the NxAutoCompletion component and I have download the demo. On my Xe2, when I open the project I have an error saying that TNxEdit does not have verticalalignement property. That's okay, it is not a big issue for my purpose. I launch the demo and it crashes directly. I have tried with my more recent delphi (Xe7) and in that case TNxAutoCompletion is not available as mentioned in a previous message on this forum (from August 2014) so my questions are:

- Is NxAutcompletion functional or not?

- If not how can I get autocompletion working with text, combo and list columns?




#2 Boki (Berg)

Boki (Berg)

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Posted 09 December 2015 - 11:59 PM

Hi Alex,


This control was a gift from my friend long time ago (almost when NextGrid started). After some time I have broken support with Next Editors.


I will invest some time in next period to make it work again. Most probably is trivial, but I need to find what causes it.


Best regards

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#3 AlexMex

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Posted 09 February 2016 - 11:48 PM

Hello Boki,


It would be great :) Do you have a time frame? I have been evasive with my customer but he is coming back with his request and I would be happy to provide him this functionality;


Best regards,


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