Hi friends,
I have a problem with showing data from table.
I have TDataSource with dataset TVirtualTable.
My DBGrid is connected to this datasource.
I'm using DBGrid.Style=stUserDefined with CustomDrawCell procedure which it's not firing !! (in this procedure I have DefaultDrawing:= true)
1/ in OnFormShow event I'm opening this table (if not tbl.Active then tbl.Open) a cleaning it (tbl.Clear)
2/ I send a few rows in table, it's visible on DBGrid
3/ I close the form
4/ next time I open the form (so tbl could be cleaned) and try to send another data, grid is showing data sended in step 2
5/ grid.datasource.dataset.refresh not working
6/ grid.Invalidate / grid.Repaint not working
Can someone help me ?