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Member Since 20 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 25 2020 09:00 PM

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Filter between two Dates?

25 April 2014 - 04:45 PM

Hi Boki

I would like a filter program for a date between two dates
For example, show me all data rows between 24.04.2014 and 28.04.2014 (Filter)

I always get an error message' operator is not applicable to this operand type'
Can you give me a tip

or a little code?

this code is running but its only one date < as calendar1 all other rows are unvisible.

if nextgrid1.RowCount>1 then
for i:=0 to nextgrid1.RowCount-1 do
if cb2.ItemIndex =0 then
if nextgrid1.CellByName[1,i].AsDateTime <(calendar1.Date) then

Version Grid 5.7
best regards Carsten