Here I will post updates on v6 of NextGrid.
Today I have added a Font (TFont) property to the TNxCell class:
This property is nil by default, to save memory if not used. If user write something like this:
NextGrid61.Cell[1, 3].Font := TFont.Create; NextGrid61.Cell[1, 3].Font.Name := 'Georgia'; NextGrid61.Cell[1, 3].Font.Size := 12; NextGrid61.Cell[1, 3].Font.Style := [fsItalic]; NextGrid61.Cell[1, 3].Font.Color := $000080FF;
Font for this cell will be created and set.
Font is automatically released upon cell destroying.
I hope that you like my solution for this long requested feature. Feature is added, but memory is saved when different font is not needed.