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Member Since 01 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2013 03:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Feature Request : HTML-text in NxAlertWindow?

12 May 2008 - 09:41 AM

Would it be possible to get HTML-text in the AlertWindow???
...that would be really nice...
For example, I have made this little gmail-notifier-thingie, and showing a preview of a new mail would be nice, with different font-styles for sender, subject, and summary... This can be done with the HTML, right...

Edit : Just found a "bug" in HTML-label... It seems that it does NOT react to more than one "<br>" in a row, meaning I cannot have an empty line (?)
Edit 2 : Nevermind, it just needs to contain a space, then an empty line is shown...

Further Edit : Kind-of-bug in NxAlertWindow
procedure TNxAlertWindow.MouseUp is kind of wrong...
I have created som AlertWindows dynamically, and the only way to get thos free'd again, is doing it in the OnClose-event.
That works fine, unless you click the close-button on the Alert, because the MouseUp check for close-button-click and afterwards check for options-link-click (and then you get an AV, cause the Alert has been free'd)...
Just reversing these two checks solves the problem... aka. checking for close-button-click as the last thing in the MouseUp....


When do I receive the comps???

01 May 2008 - 10:07 PM


I bought the developer-suite yesterday, but haven't received anything yet...
What's the typical response-time??
..can't wait to get started with those...
I have quite a lot of things lined up, where these comps will be used... :-)

Bargmann, Denmark