Next Grid .NET

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NextGrid for .NET is a powerful .NET (WinForms) Grid. It is very easy to use it in design-time (with using intuitive Columns Editor) and in run-time.

Main Features

  • Easy to use and learn in both design & run time.
  • Powerful Grid component, written from scratch, with passion and care.
  • 20 column types and more will be added in future.
  • Very Fast (fast drawing, sorting, cells operations, responsive…).
  • Inovative feathues such as InsertRow, histrogram column types will increate value of the app.


After try many kind of grid components for .NET, I just found this one that have almost all the funtionalities I have been searching for a long time. It is fast, powerful and have a very nice "look and feel".



  • NextSuite for .NET 30 days TrialNextSuite .NET 30 days trial
  • Suite DemoCompiled Demo with components from Next Suite .NET (WinForms)
  • Collection of DemosArchive containing dozen smaller exe demos.
  • Supported IDEs

    Visual Studio 2010 - 2022, .NET 4.0+


    Multiple Grid Views

    NextGrid for .NET may have several views (Report, Slides) of same, or different type. Each view is separate object and may be easily customized via Views Editor. All views share same data, but they may represent it in own way.

    Active view may be changed at any time with ActiveView property:

    nextGrid1.ActiveView = nxReportGridView1;

    Developer may implement InxGridView interface (with or without our help) and create own views!

    Each Cell is an object

    NextGrid for .NET introduce nxGridCell class for handling and storing data. This class having following properties: Value, BackColor, Font, and new to come.

    To work with single cell simply write:

    nextGrid1[x,y].Value = "abc";


    nextGrid1[x,y].Value = 5.23;

    Each row is also a object (nxGridRow) with own properties (Height, Visible,

    Expanded…), methods and nxGridCell indexer. Examples:

    nextGrid1[5].Height = 20;
    nextGrid1[5].Selected = true;
    nextGrid1[5].Cells[2].Value = "Mike";

    Dozens of Column types

    In NextGrid for .NET exist several column types for presenting data in different ways. Each column type include own typical properties which may be set within design-time editor or via code.

    Column may display text, check-box, progress bar, date, number, toolbar, image from ImageList, HTML, graphic, sparkline, ratings...

    Columns editor include Quick mode where you may easily set most commonly used properties.

    Fast and sleek

    NextGrid for .NET can handle very large amount of cells without losing speed. Speed of adding, modifying and deleting data doesn't depend of the amount of cells. User actions are responsive, without any delays.

    Control is written carefully with passion, and your application will not feel bloated after putting one (or dozen) NextGrid v2 .NET in it.

    Tree Column

    NextGrid for .NET include TreeColumn, a normal Column which can be added and modified as any other column type! To add child row, simply use AddChildRow method.

    TreeColumn also may show a Image from ImageList specified by ImageIndex property of row. Example:

    nextGrid1[5].ImageIndex = 3;

    Standalone Inplace editors

    Most columns in NextGrid for .NET include own Inplace Editor. This Inplace Editors may be used as stand-alone editors, and they are located in own Tab inside Toolbox. Even Columns without built-in Inplace Editor, may have one set via InplaceEdit property.

    Developer may implement InxInplaceEdit interface (with or without our help) and place any control inside cell!.

    Sparkline Column

    NextgGrid's SparkLine column is a mini graph that aim to show trend and important info like min, max and average all in an area as small as a cell. It can be used for wide range of applications like visualizing trends in stock rates, bug tracker issues, sales or oder volumes etc.

    Like the Histogram column, The SparLine column renders cell values containing an array with double value.


    nextGrid1[0][nxSparkLineColumn1.Index].Value = new Double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

    Toolbar column

    NextGrid for .NET introduce Toolbar column. This column type include Buttons Collection with own design-time editor where you may add and modify your buttons inside column.

    This column type also include ButtonClick event where you may process clicks on buttons.

    Trackbar column

    NextGrid for .NET introduce TrackBar column type with TrackBar control placed inside cell. Beside using sliding method for input, user may (optionally) type a value directly into side-edit box.

    Fixed columns and rows

    NextGrid for .NET may lock specified number of columns and/or rows and they will be always on screen, unaffected by user scrolling. Every Grid's View may set own number of locked columns and/or rows.

    This is done with FixedCols and FixedRows properties of view.

    Column footers

    Each column include own Footer which may show custom text, image or calculated result (SUM, AVG, DISTINCT, MIN, MAX and Count).

    If AutoCalculate property is set to false, Recalculate method must be called manually.

    Insert-row for quick input

    Below Header in NextGrid for .NET Insert-area may be optionally located (ShowInsertRow property), where user can simply add new row in grid without using additional text-box controls and dialogs.

    Events InsertQuery and Insert will help processing newly added row, or rejecting it.

    Histogram Column

    NextgGrid's Histogram column is a mini histogram that aim to show distribution and important info like min, max and average all in an area as small as a cell. Besides that does it support gradient coloring.

    Like the Sparkline column, The Histogram column renders cell values containing an array with double value.

    Either the distribution values are added directly like:

    nextGrid1[0][nxHistogramColumn1.Index].Value = new Double[] { 10, 2, 3, 4, 10, 0, 3, 10 };

    Alternatively one can use the Histogram bar to calulate the distribution from raw data with the Populate method that accept min/max value and a number of bin (bars) to be used:

    Int32 siz = 10000;
    Double[] rnd = new Double[siz];
    Random random = new Random();

    for (Int32 i = 0; i < siz; i++)
    rnd[i] = random.NextDouble();

    nextGrid1[1][nxHistogramColumn1.Index].Value = nxHistogramColumn.Populate(rnd, 0, 1, 40);