NextSuite (VCL) v6.2.0 released

Dear users,

New minor versions of our components are released.

NextSuite 6.2.0
- NextGrid 6.2.0
- NextDBGrid 6.2.0
- NextInspector 6.2.0
- Next Collection 6.2.0

Releases history: PDF File

Components are part of NextSuite6 8.2018 (VCL).

Notable new features

Responsive grid

Every GridView now include event OnActivate. This event is triggered after View become active (e.g. by setting ActiveView property of the grid).

There is also new property ResponsiveWidth where ActiveView property is set when size of grid is smaller than value of property.

Please see animated GIF:

If GIF is not animated try to right-click "Save As..." and open it from folder on your disk.


Jul 5. Delphi VCL NextSuite6 components just updated