New version released

We have release quick fix for v3.2 of Next(DB)Grid and v3.2 of NextInspector. Also, we have made significant improvements on our component NxAlertWindow.

To read news article for v3.2 please click here.

1. New Versions
2. Features Spotlight

1. New Versions

We like to inform you that we have released new versions of our components:

1. Version 3.2.1 of Next Grid and Next DBGrid is released. Click here to read history.
2. Version 3.2.1 of Next Inspector is released. Click here to read history.

2. Features spotlight

1. Double click on Column's Size Grip auto size column to best fit.
2. NxAlertWindow improvements:
2.1. New Style identical to MSN Messanger Alert Window
2.2. Close Button
2.3. Options Button (and OnClick event for it)


Jun 12. New version released