Delphi VCL NextSuite6 components just updated
NextSuite 6.0.18
- NextGrid 6.0.14 released.
- NextDBGrid 6.0.11 released.
- NextInspector 6.0.11 released.
- Next Collection 6.0.6 released.
Components are part of NextSuite6 3.2016 (VCL).
Notable changes in this version
New NxGridPicker6 component added to Next Editors 6 sub-suite (standalone and in-place editors).
This component can be used as compact, and easy to set drop-down grid. Same as in our main and complex NextGrid6, there is a Cells property, as long as AddRow, DeleteRow etc. We plan to carefully expand component with new features, but in same tame to keep it compact, and easy to use.