Delphi VCL NextSuite6 components just updated

We like to inform you that minor versions of our components are released.

NextSuite 6.0.18
- NextGrid 6.0.14 released.
- NextDBGrid 6.0.11 released.
- NextInspector 6.0.11 released.
- Next Collection 6.0.6 released.

Components are part of NextSuite6 3.2016 (VCL).

Notable changes in this version

New NxGridPicker6 component added to Next Editors 6 sub-suite (standalone and in-place editors).

This component can be used as compact, and easy to set drop-down grid. Same as in our main and complex NextGrid6, there is a Cells property, as long as AddRow, DeleteRow etc. We plan to carefully expand component with new features, but in same tame to keep it compact, and easy to use.


Jan 8. New version of Delphi components